Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

International Cricket Masters is the trading name of International Cricket Masters Ltd, the main brand holder and operates some academies throughout the UK. Some academies are operated independently.

International Cricket Masters is also a franchiser, as such Academies and other coaching / mentorship may be directly payable to the individual franchisee business but under the trademark name International Cricket Masters.

Information of which business / account payment is due will be provided to you.

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully as these govern your use of our website, (www.cricketmasters.co.uk). By using this website, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them.

Please note, whilst attending the academies, 1-to-1 sessions or the mentorship scheme, any participants progress and performance depends entirely upon the individual’s own ability and talent. ICM’s purpose is to support and guide the participant on their cricketing journey and cannot be held liable in any way their regarding sporting progress and development.

1. Site Ownership, Copyright & Trademarks

The content of this website, including names, images, photos, designs and other materials, are copyright of International Cricket Masters Ltd and/or its technology service providers and/or other third parties. They are the property of their respective owners, and therefore all rights are reserved.

We grant permission to print, copy, distribute and display hard copy portions of the site as required. We also grant permission for sections of the site to be emailed or linked via social media platforms. We are happy for blog posts and articles to be used as reference material and for links to these posts to be created from third-party sites.

2. Links to Third-Party Websites

This website will, on occasion, link to third-party websites. These links are included as we believe they add value or expand on the content we have on our website. We do not control these third-party websites, nor do we endorse them. If you follow the links from our site, you do so at your own risk and are subject to the terms and conditions of the destination website.

3. Privacy

We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our site users and, as such, will only use information collected in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. This notice details our privacy policy. By using our website www.cricketmasters.co.uk you are accepting and consenting to our practices and policies described.

International Cricket Masters Winter Academies – Terms and Conditions 2024/2025

Thank you for considering joining one of our Academies. To ensure that we provide a competent service in working with your child, please note below the Terms and Conditions under which we operate.

Players will only be allowed to attend the course if they and their acting guardians/parents have agreed to the following terms and conditions:

ICM Winter Academies 2024/2025

International Cricket Masters offers a monthly membership package at the cost of £120 for academies outside of London. The monthly membership fee includes four 2-hour sessions. If a fifth session falls within the month, an additional payment of £30 will be required; Please note this will be a monthly payment allowing access to our weekly winter academies. International Cricket Masters (ICM) membership will only commence once a participant’s application has been accepted and membership fees have been paid in full, including the joining fee.

Joining fees are non-negotiable and must be paid on arrival of the first academy session, this is a one- off payment and covers new season 2024/2025 items which are a mandatory part of the ICM sports kit, i.e. ICM sublimated T-shirt and cap.

Whilst attending every ICM academy session, players must wear a sublimated ICM shirt. Players must bring a properly protected cricket helmet for batting plus protective padding (including an abdominal guard) as there are inherent risks in the game of cricket. All players must also bring their own cricket ball.

Booking Changes and Cancellations

Bookings are on a first-come, first-served basis and you can cancel by giving two weeks’ notice and cancelling the standing order. If there is a cancellation, players on the waiting list will be given priority.

If you are unable to attend a session for illness or injury, please give ICM up to 72 hours’ notice, so that your session remains in credit. Please note, if you were to cancel your ICM membership halfway through the billed month, please note ICM will not be able to provide you with a refund as the participant’s place will have already been booked for the academy sessions along with the venues and coaches.

International Cricket Masters reserves the right to change the dates or cancel an academy. In case of adverse weather conditions, International Cricket Masters reserves the right to change to a suitable alternative date or venue. Payments can be made through a standing order and we will provide our bank account details by email.

Health and Well-Being

Players should not attend camps if they feel unwell. If your child has a medical condition, it is advisable to seek a registered medical practitioner’s advice before booking.

Cricket can be a dangerous sport in which hard balls and bats are used, therefore there is an inherent risk of injury to any child attending any of the academies or coaching sessions. In agreeing for your child to participate you are recognising that this risk does exist. International Cricket Masters do not accept liability for any injury incurred whilst training in this sport at our academies and sessions. By enrolling your child/children, you declare that your child/children are fit to participate in all activities and consent to release ICM, the directors and all staff from any claim or liability arising directly or indirectly from the programmed activities. You also indemnify ICM against responsibility for any accident, loss, injury, illness, or death suffered by your child/children during these activities.

When booking, you must declare all medical conditions that ICM need to be aware of in accepting your child on to one of our academies. In the unlikely event of injury, you agree that First Aid will be given as deemed suitable by the duty first aider. If such an event occurs, we will contact you on the telephone numbers provided by you. You consent that we may call upon emergency medical professionals to attend to your child if an incident requires it. You accept that we will only administer prescribed drugs, e.g. antibiotics or inhalers, to your child during the camp with your verbal and written consent at the start of each session/match.

Participants will be responsible for their belongings. We advise children not to bring any valuables (iPhones, iPads, toys, and other valuable items.)

International Cricket Masters is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged property, nor can we compensate for any lost, stolen, or damaged property. We will endeavour to return any lost property belonging to users if found on our premises during sessions.

Child Safeguarding and Compliance

All children have the right to always feel safe, and at ICM, we take our responsibilities to provide a child-safe environment very seriously. We regularly assess the level of contact and responsibility all roles will have regarding children.

We have taken deliberate steps to protect children from physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse and neglect. This commitment to protecting children is embedded in our organisation’s culture and policies. We have assessed the qualifications and prerequisites required to ensure the staff are appropriately skilled. All our staff has undergone safe recruitment processes, rigorous background checks and have valid CRB and DBS certificates including safeguarding training certificates allowing them to work with children. We also have a Designated Safeguarding Lead at our organisation, who is appointed to be responsible for safeguarding issues. ICM regularly assess the training, guidance and supervision required for positions and the current resources available to meet these requirements and ensures ongoing improvements are continuously made.

Players should be collected promptly at the end of each academy or training session as coaches are unable to provide care once the session is over and participants solely become their parents/guardian’s responsibility. Parents are responsible for transporting their children to and from all training sessions and matches. If they allow their child to be transported by others, it is the parents who retain all responsibility regarding their child’s welfare and safety.

Code of Conduct

At International Cricket Masters, we have zero tolerance for any anti-social behaviour. We work very hard to ensure our staff, players, patrons, customers, kids, and anyone using our facilities enjoys a safe and secure environment. We expect the same from anyone (parents/players/guardians/customers/patrons/staff) using our facility. If we find anyone violating our reasonable expectations, we request they leave the premises, and any incidents will be reported to relevant law enforcement authorities as required.

Any racial or discriminative remarks will not be tolerated against other players or coaches, and International Cricket Masters reserves the right to terminate the memberships after giving one warning to such a player if the offence is repeated.

We expect all participants to behave in a manner that befits the ICM Academies standards and values, therefore always acting sensibly and responsibly. Participants must follow the instructions given by Academy staff, especially those related to well-being and safety. Any child behaving inappropriately, or who is deemed to be displaying behaviours related to bullying of others, or whose actions are seen to present a safety risk to any others attending the course, or whose behaviour is considered by the coaches to be disruptive, will be removed from the session and parents/guardians will be contacted and asked to collect them immediately. It is both the parental and participants; responsibility to collectively adhere this expectation. Future involvement and participation in the academies, sessions and camps will be decided at the earliest opportunity.

Complaints procedures

Complaints against another player would be considered judiciously, and the final decision from International Cricket Masters will be acceptable to both parties. If the need arises for anyone attending an academy or camp wishing to complain against International Cricket Masters, they should do so by emailing info@cricketmasters.co.uk and they will be contacted immediately by an ICM Board Member responsible for such matters. Depending on the nature and severity of the complaint, details of the complaint must be put in writing so it can be investigated, and action will be referred to the directors for the final decision.

Video Analysis

International Cricket Masters carries out video analysis to improve cricket techniques. ICM may take photos for advertising purposes and media platforms relating solely to ICM. The academy will not provide pictures/images to third parties; only first names will be attached to any child’s photo. Unless specified otherwise upon registration, International Cricket Masters reserves the right to use its content for advertising purposes. By agreeing to the terms, you are giving your irrevocable consent, and in the case of a young player, the parent or guardian is giving the consent.

Our Details

Our registered office is International Cricket Masters Ltd, 35 Sherwood Street, Warsop, Nottinghamshire NG20 0JR

Our Trading address is International Cricket Masters Ltd, 35 Sherwood Street, Warsop, Nottinghamshire NG20 0JR

You can contact us in writing at our trading address or by email at info@cricketmasters.co.uk and by phone at 0333 344 3548.

Contact Policy 
To ensure compliance and effective communication, we kindly request that all calls or inquiries to our team be made by individuals aged 18 or above. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.