Athletes face many challenges, on and off the field, when it comes to their sporting careers. As a result, Mental Toughness becomes an important attribute that every athlete must possess. Mental Training helps athletes build mental toughness. In simple words, Mental training is the segment of sports psychology that concentrates specifically on helping athletes break through the mental barriers that are keeping them from performing up to their peak potential.
It is about improving one’s attitude and mental skills to help them perform their best by identifying limiting beliefs and embracing a healthier philosophy about their sport. Mental skills, just like physical skills, take repetition, practice, and game-time application to develop.
Psychological Mindset
What is Mental Training in Sports?

About Mindsports
Mindsports is the brainchild of Mugdha Bavare and has grown organically from her two life interests- Swimming and Psychology. A Counseling Psychologist from the University of Mumbai, Mugdha is a founder of Mindsports, in Mumbai.
A swimmer par excellence, Mugdha has won several medals at the National and International level at various competitions across different age groups. She has won the prestigious Chhatrapati Award, the highest state-level award for excellence in sports, in the year 1994-95. Working toward that elusive ‘peak performance’ is a work in progress, and as a sportswoman herself, Mugdha knows very well how the mind as well as the body of a sportsperson works. Add to this her training in psychology, her expertise in the workings of the mind, and her vast experience over the last 25 years, makes her a Sport Psychologist like none other.
Services Offered
Mindsports helps athletes in performance enhancement. It strongly believes that excellence in performance is the product of a well-trained mind and body. Globally, all athletes focus to a great extent in physical training, however, mental training is an equally important part of achieving great performance when it actually matters. Therefore, Sports Psychologists at Mindsports work towards balancing both of these to extract best out of the athlete and help reach their potential.
For Athletes
- One – on – One Sessions with Experts
- Young Champ Group Session Program (Age 9 to 12)
- Mentathlon Group Session Program (Age 13 and above)
For Parents
- Beyond the Game: Role of Parents in Shaping Young Athletes
- A comprehensive group program for parents to help them navigate their journey as sports parents.
For Coaches
- Coach2Excel: Educate. Elevate. Excel
- A Program for empowering coaches with mental training skills to help them elevate their athletes’ game.
Benefits of Working with Sports Psychologists
- Building and sustaining an ideal level of motivation.
- Helping to achieve optimum level of self-Confidence.
- Enhancing Focus and concentration while dealing with distractions.
- Inculcating positivity and reducing negative self-talk.
- Managing competitive stress and anxiety.
- Building commitment towards one’s sport and setting goals.
- Improving Team building and communication.
- Replacing fear of failure with desire to succeed.
- Managing and channelizing anger and negative emotions.
- Dealing with competitive pressure.
- Working on positive sport parenting.
Team Mindsports
Mugdha Bavare
Lead Sports and Counseling Psychologist
Founder, ‘Mindsports’
Consultant at Olympic Gold Quest
Sports Psychologist with BCCI
Rasika Kalgutkar
Consultant Sports and Counseling Psychologist
Former Table Tennis Athlete
Honey Jain
Counseling Psychologist
Trained Play and Art Therapist